I have come into this lifetime to luxuriate in the grand joy of Being and to remember all that I am as a soul. On this journey, I have loved singing, songwriting, painting, photography, and traveling as a means to remember all that I am and express my joy in existing in this wild, harsh, delicious, and most marvelous experience we call the human existence.
To book a breath or vocal toning session visit me at the Anyahm Song tab.
Let’s create! Email me to commission a portrait, take a voice lesson…or with collaborative, creative ideas that have the intent of creating in joy and celebrating the joy of Being. New energy creations, here we come!
Home Within
The search is done. All that we’ve been searching for is right there within our hearts. Can we accept that simplicity and dive into it? Ah, the beauty that awaits when we do. This song is a space for you to sit in your own beautiful presence.
It was such a joy to write and perform “Home Within'“ with Ike Sturm. We hope you enjoy.
Heavenly Body
What does it really look like to love being in our bodies? What does it feel like when we allow ourselves the enjoyment of being ALIVE in a BODY, just as it is right now?! It starts with acts of kindness and honor to ourselves and ends up with overflowing joy.
This song was written for Emily Braden by Nancy Harms and Arne Fogel. Originally released on Nancy’s SHE album.
Peter’s Garden
A song Peter Rosendal and I wrote after I witnessed him and his wife, Livia, in their garden (a “garden” in Denmark is more what we would call a “yard” in the US). I saw their hearts come alive and dance in their garden space filled with a symphony of flowers swaying, birds chirping, and bees buzzing. Their garden is definitely a visible extension of their hearts. It’s a joy and an honor to witness the garden that is someone else’s heart..